LNF/DCF (Y6 Summer Term 2023)

We'll Meet again by Vera Lynn performed in sign language 


I can sing a rainbow by Peggy Lee performed in BSL


Stand by Me by Ben E King performed in BSL 

Life in the Trenches during WW2

During our ICT lessons the children researched the different parts of a WW2 trench and used Seesaw to label and record the different parts. 

What to do in an Air Raid? 

The Children used iMovie on the iPads to plan and prepare a voice-over video, informing people of what to do during an air raid in WW2 

Minecraft for Education: The children used Minecraft for Education to plan and create a WW2 Anderson Shelter. 

Blitz Animation

The children used Key Note on the iPad to create an animated Blitz scene. The children incorporated moving images and sounds and uploaded their completed animations to their Seesaw learning journal. 

Annwyl Dyddiadur 

During Welsh lessons, the children wrote about the experiences of evacuees during the war. The children then used Adobe Express to record their experiences and add relevant images. 

Add Written Work 

Prioritise Actions and Justify them

The children were given time to discuss and prioritise the actions during the war by the government, providing reasons for their choices.  

The children made links to the current war between Russia and Ukraine.

Letters Home from the Trenches

The children explored what life was like in the trenches during WW2 and used a range of Alan Peat sentences to write descriptively about the conditions the soldiers had to endure. The children then wrote letters home to a family member to describe their experiences. 

Rationing during the War 

Metric / Imperial conversions 

The children applied their numeracy skills across the curriculum and converted from imperial to metric. 

Food Rationing The children were provided with an example of a WW2 ration book which detailed how much food an adult would be entitled to each week during the war. The children had to calculate how much food their family would be able to buy using the food coupons.  

Clothes Rationing

During the war, children and adults were limited as to the number of clothes they could purchase. The children were tasked with estimating how much of each item of clothing they owned and how much this would equal in coupons. 

They then had to imagine they had to replace their entire wardrobe using just coupons and decide on what they would buy.  

Propaganda during the War 

Pupils explored the Government's messages behind the propaganda posters during the war and explained their purpose. They edited the original poster using the green screen app on the iPads and replace the images with their own face and recorded the key message behind the poster. 

Propaganda Posters

The children used Adobe Express to create their very own Propaganda posters.