Humanities and Health & Wellbeing

Summer 2024 Y3

How Can We Embrace Our Differences?

To start our topic, we researched the word diversity. Diversity means understanding that each person is unique, and recognising our individual differences. These can be things like our skin colour, the language we speak, or the traditions we celebrate. In class, the children watched a video about this topic. The video showed many different people and how everyone's differences make our world a more interesting place. 

After watching, each child what they were curious to learn more about diversity. To gather everyone’s ideas, we together and decided on what our main question for the project would be. They helped come up with the topic title 'How can we embrace our differences?'. This process allowed all the children to feel involved and gave them an opportunity to express their own thoughts and questions.

During our recent lesson, the children engaged in a lively discussion about what they wish to explore regarding our upcoming diversity topic. They actively participated by jotting down thought-provoking questions they intend to investigate further. 

Copy of Year 3 - Summer - How Can We Embrace Our Differences?

RVE - What influences me?

During a recent lesson, children engaged in watching a worldview clip and subsequently discussed individuals who hold influence over them. Within this discussion, children expressed that family members were deemed the most influential, primarily due to their guidance and support. We discussed about how social influencers, like celebrities and YouTubers, as well as religious figures, can shape our choices and lifestyles. 

Understanding different Religions

The children talked about the religions they were familiar with, and we looked at a PowerPoint presentation that highlighted various beliefs. The children were taught the special books, places of worship, and symbols associated with each religion.


We've been completing science experiments learning about friction and more recently magnetic force.  The children really enjoyed making predictions, carrying out the experiments and seeing if their predictions are correct.