(Y2 Summer)

Health & Wellbeing

Pupil Voice

When we came into the classroom there were lots of new and exciting things spread around the room giving us clues to what we could be learning about. We spent time exploring the items and talking what we could use them to find out about. After discussions we thought of our pupil voice questions / things that we wanted to find out more about.

We started by saying what we thought was marvellous about us, and sharing it with our friends.

Our Bodies

We explored our marvellous bodies, looking at both the internal and external body parts. To start we placed the internal organs where we thought they go, based on our existing knowledge...

Then after researching the internal body organs and finding out about what they do and where they are in our body, we revisited the task and used what we had found out to put the organs in the correct place.

Our next challenge was to look at the external body parts. Working in groups we drew around someone and then had 10 minutes to label as many body parts as we could. Once we had finished we looked at everyone's posters and agreed / disagreed about the body parts and their names. Great collaborative work!

We finished up learning about our bodies by recapping what we found out using the Welsh names for the body parts. We then labelled one of our friends to show we knew the correct names. Da iawn!

Our Senses

To explore our senses we looked at each sense separately: 

Healthy Living

We talked about the things that are important to live a healthy life and created posters to promote this.

30 Days Wild Challenge

We took part in the Woodland Trust 30 days wild challenge.  This consisted of daily challenges involving nature and the outdoor environment.  We participated in outdoor yoga, wild walking, reading stories outside, taking our own 'wild' photos and lots of other fun activities.

Nurse Visit

One of our parents is a nurse and arranged for the children to take part in a workshop that involved learning basic CPR, talking about making good food choices, how to find your pulse and the affect exercise has on our bodies. The children were 100% engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the session. 

Ambulance Visit

We had a visit from a paramedic who brought an ambulance to school. They told us about their job, and what happens when you call an ambulance. We were then able to go and explore the inside of the ambulance. This visit was so beneficial as it removed a lot of the children's concerns and anxieties about what the inside of an ambulance looks like! They had so many questions!

Exploring Our Feelings

Using the story The Colour Monster we explored different types of feelings. We talked about what makes us feel a certain way, how to help people who are feeling sad / angry / worried and then we designed our own colour monster. 

Health & Wellbeing Week

We finished our topic by celebrating our Health and Wellbeing week, talking about how to be safe around medicine, healthy eating, body safety with NSPCC's Pantasaurus, and the differences and similarities between boys and girls. 

Marvellous Me?

My Movie 1.MOV