AoLE (Summer)

Our topic began with researching the different type of forces 

Our next step was to experiment with our own paper aeroplanes. Many of us did not know how to make one so needed some help...

This was followed by throwing our paper aeroplanes - it was lots of fun!


Look at how much we enjoyed pretending we were actually on a rollercoaster - I think our screams and delight say it all!


PUPIL VOICE - we really wanted to have a go at building our own rollercoasters and as we are "Ethical Efan's" we tried to use as much recycled material as we could. We were SO proud to show off our work to the rest of the class.

Science Investigation - does the size of the wings affect the speed that the helicopter falls?  Have a look at our prediction and conclusion!

Science experiment - What surface is the best for the car to travel the furthest? Have a look at our prediction and conclusion