Spitzbuben Cookies

Spitzbuben Cookies

Miz Helen's Country Cottage- Lauren


Makes 24 cookies, 12 cookies assembled

    • 2/3 cup softened unsalted butter

    • 2/3 cup powdered sugar

    • 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

    • 1 egg yolk

    • pinch of salt

    • 1 jar of jam (I used plum, but you could also use raspberry)


    1. Put the butter into small pieces (about 1 tablespoon) and place in a large bowl. Mix in powdered sugar, flour, egg yolk, and salt. (You can use a handheld mixer or food processor for this portion, I used a spatula and it worked just fine).

    2. After dough is begging to form, use your hands to continue mixing until the dough is smooth. Then wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let rest for 30-40 minutes in the fridge. While it is resting you can preheat the oven to 350 F (175 C) and line a couple of cookie sheets with parchment paper.

    3. Take half of the dough and roll it onto a well floured surface. Roll it to about 2mm thickness. Then take the cookie cutter of your choice (Traditionally they are heart shaped or circle shaped. I happened to have a Christmas tree cutter, so I used that). You can also use a drinking glass.

  1. Then use a smaller cookie cutter to put a small opening in half of the cookies. I didn't have a cutter that small so I just used the cover for my candy thermometer. Place the cookies on the lined baking sheet and repeat with the remaining dough.

    1. Bake for about 10 minutes and let the cookies cool completely.

    2. Place about a teaspoon of jam on each cookie that does not have a hole (you may need to spread it a bit depending on the shape of your cookies). Then place a cookie with a hole on top.

    3. Dust the assembled cookies with powdered sugar (which helps hide all the imperfections they may have) and enjoy! The cookies are best stored in a tin. Separate the cookies with layers of parchment paper.