Frito Garden Pie

Frito Garden Pie

Miz Helen's Kitchen


4 cups Garden Chili or Your favorite Chili

4 cups Frito Corn Chips

1 cup sharp cheddar, shredded

1 cup Montrery Jack Cheese, shredded

Garnish with Limes and Cilantro


Pour 1 cup of the Garden Chili in the bottom of a 8X11 baking dish.

Layer 2 cups of the Frito Corn Chips on top of the chili.

Layer 1/2 cup of the cheddar and 1/2 cup of the Montrery Jack Cheese on top of the Frito Corn Chips.

Layer the remainder of the Garden Chili on top of the cheese layer.

Layer the remainder of the Frito Corn Chips and then top with the remainder cheese.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the mix is bubbling.

Garnish with Limes and Cilantro
