Roasted Butternut, Brussels Sprouts With Cranberries

Roasted Butternut, Brussels Sprouts With Cranberries

Miz Helen's Kitchen


5 cups fresh Butternut Squash, chopped

4 to 5 cups Brussels Sprouts, cut in half

1 red onion, chopped

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon thyme

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons olive oil

2 cups fresh cranberries


In a large mixing bowl, place the chopped squash, Brussels Sprouts, chopped onions, maple syrup, vinegar, cinnamon, thyme, nutmeg and salt. Mix well.

Drizzle the oil on the baking sheet, then evenly place the vegetables on the baking sheet.

Roast in a 425 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Remove the roasting pan and add the fresh cranberries on top of the vegetables.

Place back in the oven and roast at 425 degrees for 10 minutes.

Serve hot or cold, it is delicious either way.

Recipe Option:

If you don't want to keep this dish as a vegetarian dish you can add crisp bacon to garnish.
