Peach Galette

Peach Galette

Miz Helen's Kitchen


1- 9 inch pie crust

5 to 6 medium size peaches, peeled, seeded, and chopped

1/2 cup sugar

3 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon all-spice

1 tablespoon finishing sugar

Fresh Mint For Garnish

Ice Cream (optional)


Roll out the pie crust into a 9 to 10 inch circle about 1/4 inch thick

Cover the bottom of a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Place the rolled pie crust on top of the parchment paper on the cookie sheet.

Place the sugar, flour, cornstarch, cinnamon, and all spice into a large mixing bowl and whisk together.

Toss the peaches in the sugar and seasons until completely covered.

Place the peaches into the center of the pie crust, then bring up the edges of the crust around the peaches, leaving the center open.

Sprinkle the finishing sugar on top and all around the outside of the galette.

Bake in a 425 degree oven for 18 to 20 minutes or until the outside of the crust starts to turn brown.

Remove from the oven and let cool for 10 to 15 minutes befor slicing.

Garnish with a sprig of mint and a dollop of Ice Cream.
