Italian Scalloped Tomatoes

Italian Scalloped Tomatoes

Miz Helen's Kitchen


3 cups tomatoes, diced

1 medium yellow onion, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

4 cups bread, cubed, day old or crusty

6 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon oregano

2 teaspoons dried or fresh basil

1/2 cup dry bread crumbs

1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese, graded

Fresh Basil for garnish


To prepare the tomatoes:

Wash the tomatoes, put them into a stew pot with boiling water. Let them cook in the boiling water for one or two minutes until you see the skin begin to crack. Immediately remove them and put them into a large ice bath. After they sit in the ice bath a few minutes, the skin will just slip right off.

For The Recipe

Dice the tomatoes and onions, then mince the garlic.

In a large hot skillet place 2 tablespoons olive oil and 3 tablespoons butter.

Pour the tomatoes, onions and garlic into the skillet. Stir in the salt, pepper, oregano, and basil.

Cook the mixture until the onions are clear. Remove the tomato mixture into a mixing bowl and let it cool.

Do Not clean the skillet, just let the tomato mixture drippings remain in the skillet.

Place 3 tablespoons butter into the skillet. After the butter is melted, pour the diced bread into the skillet and toss with the butter and drippings until covered and cook until the bread starts to turn brown.

Pour the bread into the tomato mixture and very gently mix together.

Butter a 8 X 11 baking dish with the remaining tablespoon of butter , and pour the mixture into the baking dish.

Mix the bread crumbs and Parmesan Cheese together.

Sprinkle the bread crumbs and Parmesan Cheese mixture on top of the tomato and bread mixture.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 to 45 minutes, until the top begins to brown and the mixture is bubbling.

Garnish with fresh basil.

Serve hot and refrigerate any left overs.
