Pumpkin Waffles

Pumpkin Waffles

Miz Helen's Kitchen


8 tablespoons butter, melted, divided

1-1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

2 tablespoons pumpkin spice

dash salt

2 eggs

3/4 cup half and half

1/4 maple syrup

2 tablespoons dark brown sugar

1/2 cup pumpkin puree

For Garnish

4 cups fresh blueberries

2 cups warm maple syrup


In small sauce pan or the micro wave, melt the butter and set aside to cool.

In a large mixing bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, pumpkin spice, and salt, together. Mix well.

In a medium mixing pitcher, mix together 1/4 cup of the melted butter, eggs, half and half, 1/4 cup syrup, brown sugar, and pumpkin puree, mix well until completely combined.

Pour the pumpkin mixture into the flour and stir until combined, then set aside for 5 minutes.

Follow the directions for your waffle iron, then pour the batter onto the hot waffle iron.

For the Garnish

In a medium bowl place the washed blueberries.

In a small saucepan, heat the 2 cups of maple syrup until it is very warm, do not let it boil. Pour the hot syrup over the blueberries and mix well.

Ready To Serve

Pour the remaining melted butter over the waffle then spoon some of the blueberries and syrup over the waffle.
