
☞ Public‐domain character. Folkloric. First appearance, evidently one of a number of lost 17th‐century texts.

Real name: 桃太郎, Momotaro, Monirtaro

When a poor, childless couple find a huge peach floating down the river, they bring it home with the intent of eating it but are shocked to find a child inside it who claims to have been sent to them from Heaven. They name him Momotarō and raise him, and he later goes out on his first adventure: fighting hostile oni (variously described in the English‐language stories as demons, devils, spirits or monsters) on their island with (in most versions) the help of talking animals—a dog, a monkey and a pheasant—that he encounters on the way. The leader of the oni is sometimes named as Akandoji.

Some works portray him as undertaking his first adventure as a young man while others portray him as still being a child. Some describe him as having great strength, even super strength, with one story (the 1874) describing him as also being of giant size for his age. Stories in English have translated his name as Peach‐Boy, Little Peachling, Son of a Peach and Peach Darling.

Public domain literary works


The copyright situation for works first published in Japan is complex. A decision by a Japanese court would seem to say that Japanese movies released before 1953 might all now be in the public domain, which would mean that the 1940s animated Momotaro cartoons are in the public domain, but further research is needed.