7 April 2018, Saturday

37th Ave. Magic trail mix, frozen שמשום chicken, frozen chicken enchiladas suizas and frozen roast Turkey and vegetables from DR. The older Filipino brought food to adorable إشتياق.

(3749–51). Cor. was cleaning the vestibule glass as I was leaving the building.

37th Ave. (3752–72). Again went out looking for bookseller Carlos but didn’t find him. Overloaded hand truck (3752–53). Shopping frenzy (3755–57). P’lina closed despite work permit (3758, 3761). Cherry‐picker (3762–63). Workers carrying various materials (3764–68). Citrus wedge character (3771). Jumping dog (3772).

I saw and greeted Gr’g St. on 37th Ave., but I don’t remember which time of day.

35th Ave. New eatery (3773). Many workers at LK.

Saw מיכאל and טלי entering as I returned with my food.