21 August 2018, Tuesday

37th Ave. (5116–17). Streets relatively full due to قربان bayramı. A police officer was turning away eastbound traffic at 72nd St. (5117), there were barricades on the southern side of 73rd St. obstructing southbound traffic, and people rather than vehicles were on the 74th St. asphalt south of 37th Ave. although there were no visible barricades (5116) (which were presumably at 37th Rd.). There was also a bit of a crowd of people outside DR at 73rd St., as well as a few isolated but quite loud firework explosions while I was out. Braunschweiger, olives and cheese ends from FD. مصطفى was working outside the whole time I was inside but we greeted one another through the glass while I was at the cash register.