23 January 2018, Tuesday

Greeted a tall attractive neighbor in the lobby.

Const. Unseasonably high temperatures (59°).

34th Ave. (3275–3305). Cyclist (3278–82). Pedestrian with posterior that looked particularly nice when he walked uphill (3284–85, 3287, 3289–92). Tree pile (3286–88). Sweet Buns turned north on 82nd St. Skateboarder (3299). Sport in Travers Pk. (3300–01). Sky, trees, buildings (3303–04). Squirrel eating on a bough at the corner of 74th St. (3305–06).

Dog with waggly tail on 35th Ave. (3307).

Blurry cat on 72nd St. identified as Nena by the superintendent of the building in front of which it was sitting (3308).