25 January 2018, Thursday

Neighbor R’ta slipped a note under my door about fusebox replacement, and so I went to chat with her but went to her prior apartment by mistake and rang the doorbell, triggering a dog to start barking. I didn’t want to just walk away after having rung the doorbell, so I waited for निखिल’s wife to answer the door and then explained and apologized. When I went to the correct apartment, the knocker likewise triggered R’ta’s dog, and she invited me in for a bit. My note in response to hers (3309) (which she wound up returning to me the following day).

I had decided to break my 3½ day fast by going to JI (3310–12), mostly as an excuse to have R’ta at my apartment as short as possible as her note suggested she needed to eyeball my fusebox, but went thither anyway even when it turned out she needn’t visit me at all. I had a chicken breast “mascote” dish which was much like chicken marsala, and I was served by a friendly waitress with good posture. {Chicken breast for breakfast.} My double portion of string beans was exactly that, prompting me to say “Wow,” but it seems that it replaced the asparagus that the menu said would come with my main dish. I said “Wow” again, but to myself, because I finished everything and all that food was somehow inside me.

37th Ave. S— seen through the DR window bending over doing some stock chore on my way out and then Kl’d as a cashier on my way back. Amusing “launch special” sign at میزبان with other misspellings (3313). Blackberries, blueberries, pre‐cut Swiss cheese and sour cream from F’town.