Sunday, 23 April 2017

34th Ave. (9409–23). Tree blossoms (9409–12). JH G’market (9413–22). Dog (9413–14). Grow worker with sunglasses (9416–19). Worker carrying basket (9420).

79th St. (9424–28). Automobile wheel toiler (9425–28). All alone at the Garden Sch. {Chillin’.} (See text messages with Tom.)

78th St. (9429–41). JH G’market (9429–41). Tethered dogs (9434). Flowers for sale (9435–37). Corn on the cob (9438–39).

34th Ave. (9442–46). JH G’market (9442–45). Man sipping beverage (9444–45). Skateboarder petting someone else’s dog (9446).

Men at car on 35th Ave. (9447–50).

Bird on windowsill on 72nd St. (9451–53).

S. Asian cultural event on 37th Rd. (9454) in which man appeared to be about to start playing music but then didn’t.

Haircut from Gar after much discussion.

W. 14th St. sta. musicians (9455).