21 October 2019, Monday

37th Ave. (7214–19). Garden and antipasto salads, Turkey Franks, canned tuna and olive oil from FD (00:44). Light drizzle thereto, light rain therefrom and no men of note there. Dietetic ginger ale from JC. When I walked in, there was an adorable young S. Asian worker standing behind the counter near the door and then doing various tasks behind the counter thereafter (7214–19). I don’t think I’ve seen him before but anything is possible.

37th Ave. Wieners, sliced packaged Turkey and peppery smoked salmon from F’town (23:26). C’los(?)—possibly even fatter than before—and I seemed to follow one another around the supermarket, from the front area to the deli section to the produce section to the meat section; then he brought garbage bags outside, walking along in front of me as I was leaving. I’ve never spent so much time with him. There was a gaunt worker with a pointy beard sitting at the सागर/সাগর desk as I passed. A male worker in ঢাকা Gar. was taking a group photo of a party of customers as I passed and I might theoretically be in the background thereof.