9 January 2018, Tuesday

It was good to be out in reasonable temperatures after the often single‐digit subfreezing temperatures of the recent cold wave.

37th Ave. Road work (3176). I went out shopping mostly for discount strawberries, on sale at both FD and F’town for the same price (two pounds for five dollars). FD was out of them, so I picked them up at F’town, plus fresh eggs, frozen cauliflower, sour cream, lard, pre‐cut cheese and sliced Turkey Bologna. A sort of LES‐looking middle‐aged man with tight black jeans was pushing a cart with a screaming child therein that I had difficulty avoiding. When I got to the cashier, it turned out that the strawberries I had selected, the only ones in the produce department, were not at the discount price but were instead at a whopping two pounds for sixteen dollars, so I declined them. Curb snow (3177). Stationery road‐work vehicle (3178). Still desiring strawberries, I returned to FD at night and still found none and so returned to F’town to buy the correct ones, in stock by that time (20:27). As I left, I greeted two clearly gay men standing outside the supermarket, and I suspect one of them was M. D. P., but I sometimes have trouble recognizing him. Having seen an attractive S. Asian man sitting at the front desk of सागर/সাগর on my way to the supermarket, I recorded some video (3179) of the place as I passed it in the opposite direction, but of course he wasn’t there anymore.