30 September 2019, Monday

Walked home from Woodside station. I passed a group of attractive young Asian men at the corner of Roosevelt Ave. and 72nd St., and at that moment one of them seemed to conspicuously change the subject of discussion to the Jewish holidays, perhaps asking when they were, but I didn’t respond because I was not a participant in the discussion, was not directly addressed and was eager to get home. I probably should have said something though, because he may have been trying to meet me.

Lobby and vestibule signs (6640–41).

37th Ave. Was that a hot worker in the jewelry shop where the bakery used to be? Smoked salmon, potato salad and a pumpkin pie from F’town (18:47). The Eagle/R’bar–looking worker was at the deli counter but he was not mine, though I did get to hear his voice. C’los(?) and his stupendous buttocks were omnipresent and in motion anytime I was anywhere in or near the entrance/exit area, like when I was selecting pie and when I was waiting to pay. There was a different and mayhap very slightly chubby worker at the सागर/সাগর desk as I passed. Chocolate‐covered cashews from DR (18:55). Wm. T. was at the front helping a customer for quite a while. Light rain despite Yahoo’s having told me there was a 0% chance thereof.