14 October 2018, Sunday

Encountered Ch’z on 72nd St. and we walked to 79th St. together.

EHSQ at the Garden Sch., 79th St. Pleasantly surprised to see C’tine there. Despite there only being the three of us, we had a program with singing and a discussion topic, unlike the following Sunday.

37th Ave. (5420–55, 7034–36). HSBC painter (5420). Ice, half and half, and doughnuts from F’town (7034–36). {Buying supplies for NYBD.} Tried to use reading glasses without one of the lenses, which was still in my pocket. Old dry‐cleaning sign (5421–22). दीवाली मेला only from a distance (5424), like last year. Dog (5435). NYBD masquerade at QPH (5426–55). I took photos of the gaming table with Tom’s camera, and Wil took a selfie with me. Unintended photo by A’die of Art.’s hand (5451). Numerous photos by Art. with my camera (5452–54) and others’. (See black Knight Fat Little Wireless, pp. 154–55.)

S. Asian man greeted me in Arabic, 37th Ave.

Frozen pot pies, and magic and berry/chocolate trail mixes from DR, Roosevelt Ave. Saw many attractive men while I was out intentionally buying fattening food.