17 June 2018, Sunday

37th Ave. A tuna sandwich and miniature oblong golden cakes from FD (01:19). My favorite overnight worker was not the cashier, but I did see him and he made sure to say hello; then I saw him bending in an aisle. The superintendent of the building next to mine was on line behind me but was wrapped up in his headphone music rather than noticing me and saying hello. The hot शाह/شاه worker and I watched one another as I passed.

Woman who had been moving her arms about before I started recording, (74th?) St. (4321). Joggers on 34th Ave. (4322).

The final EHSQ platform meeting of the season with a whopping seventeen in attendance at the Garden Sch., 79th St. We had a very brief program on Juneteenth before moving to a lunchroom for a feast. Oddly, I don’t think anyone took any photos.

“All My Trials” was written by a NY State supreme court justice for his retirement party.

I did not attend Folsom St. E.