3 August 2019, Saturday

Walked from E. 13th St. to E. 23rd St. to meet some GA folk at FF, arriving shortly after midnight. Chatted with the group for a bit but then got into a long one‐on‐one discussion with Никита at the bar until one by one the others said goodby and Н. and I were there alone together.

Ran into S’phen D., whom I probably have not seen since the 1990s, in 7 11, Fifth Ave., and introduced him to Н. He said I hadn’t lost my wit but at first it sounded like he’d said I hadn’t lost weight.

Н. and I sat on a large rock around Fifth Ave. and E. 24th St. talking until around 04:40.

Trail mix from DR, 37th Ave. (07:55). Thankfully I was able to give cashier Rey (305) exact change. Tom was present.