1 April 2018, Sunday

April Fools Day and (Catholic/Protestant) Easter.

74th St. (3710–14). Repairs at 34‒37 (3710–11, 3713–14).

Extensive Travers Pk. renovation seen from 34th Ave. (3715–19).

79th St. (3720–21). Dogs and persons (3720). Because תאומא had not contacted me as he’d said he would were the school closed, he, his son C. and I showed up to a locked gate. Composting action (3721). ת.‏ kept referring to April foolery as “trick or treat.” The three of us decided to go to JI.

Northern Blvd. While we waited at JI for a seat, ת.‏ bragged about how he’s an expert marksman, something he’d learned from NRA classes, but then had to throw in how they are supposedly nowadays saying terrible things about survivors of shootings. He seems to get worse and worse in believing anything the left say, no matter how nonsensical. The manager recognized me and shook my hand. As I entered the men’s room, I heard a woman’s voice that turned out to be E. Fitzgerald’s. A nice lunch with little conflict. We discussed EHSQ very little and pop culture (television and music) rather much. After leaving, we sat on a bench at a bus stop and chatted some more, and regressive ת.‏ again showed how easily he believes nonsense—like evidence of inequality being automatically evidence of injustice—by claiming the president is clearly a bigot because there was a photograph of White House interns and virtually none of them was black. C. seemed to agree though that criticism of the president is great but vilification is unproductive.

37th Ave. (6704–10). Saw Kl’d while I was in DR and then جیتو and S— through the windows. Sliced packaged poultry, eggs, frozen cauliflower, Braunschweiger, Münster “shingle” and canned tuna from F’town. R’mon was at the self‐checkout area, and C’los(?) (6704–10) was about. Police cars in front of सागर/সাগর.