Thursday, 23 March 2017

Dream (ca. 20:00)

Very pleased with new apartment in hospital‐like building. Got into cabinet. Explored building and encountered a meeting I joined. Two openly gay men left the meeting and started to act very boisterously when they thought those at the meeting couldn’t see them. I saw them running around and kissing and eventually leaving the building with one of them in a wheelchair the other was pushing. Although I knew they would return it after their joyride to return to the meeting, the security officers I saw sitting at the desk near the door suspected they weren’t patients (which was correct) and that the wheelchair was being stolen and so made some slightly cryptic overhead announcement that was a code to alert the rest of the department that something big was up. I left to get some good video footage and saw crowds of people (nearby workers involved in this emergency plan?) converging on the parking lot. I made sure to start recording video and went to another side of the lot, again seeing more persons converging the lot. On the traffic island, along with a band of dancing Ḥaredim they had picked up along the way, come the two men marching and loudly singing (with the one who previously been siting therein having been transformed into משה מיכאל פ.‏ from א״ד), possibly even with a megaphone, the US Marines’ hymn. The second line was repeated as the last and they prolonged the word Tripoli in a big finish as I smiled in appreciation of my being able to witness so much of their big adventure and capture so much of it on video.