27 June 2019, Thursday

G’th cut my hair after Fr’d left, W. 15th St. {Got myself an early‐morning haircut.}

MTA worker’s response to crazy passenger at the platform edge in W. 14th St. sta. (6153–54). {There was a loud, crazy man laying at the edge of the platform saying he wanted to die. (04:04)}

པོ་ཏ་ལ མོག་མོག truck with prominent image of Israeli flag (6155–56), B’way and 37th Rd.

37th Ave. FD was opening late (6157) and so did not get my business. Turkey basdırma, Asiago cheese and cheese ends from F’town (07:34). Trail mix from DR (07:41). Tom was walking around.

Jackson Heights, 1921

Jackson Heights, 1921.

The four illustrations from “Twenty‐six Garden Apartment Houses Costing $3,000,000 to Be Built at Jackson Heights,” The New York Times, 25 Sept. 1921. (In the public domain.)



“3 of the 14 new garden elevator apartments on 19th and 20th Sts. Jackson Heights”


“Garden view of new apartments under construction at Jackson Heights”


“Group of new garden apartments on 22nd and 23rd Sts. under construction at Jackson Heights”


“Floor plan of new 6 room elevator apartments under construction at Jackson Heights”







