30 April 2018, Monday

72nd St. R’velt Parc construction with tall crane (3918–26). Signs in transition at Welcome Convenience, the former अजनी (3927–28).

41st Ave. Made a dental appt. More of the RP construction (3930–32).

More of the construction, as viewed again from 72nd St. (3933–37).

35th Ave. (3938–41). Roadwork (3938–40).

61st St. Elevated workers at the Korean church (3942–46). Another great art book, this time A History of Western Art, 4th ed., by Laurie Schneider Adams, missing its title page but including its c.d. and accompanying booklet, for one dollar from SAFS. {Donating my mother’s umbrella stand and my gran’s faux Oriental throw rugs.} Saw a charging and synchronizing cable for three dollars that would work with my smartphone but didn’t purchase it because I’d already purchased one full price (twenty dollars) a month before. An attractive and stylish younger man with an upturned handlebar mustache was standing right outside the shop as I left.