Saturday, 19 November 2016

(See handwritten notes in blue Menudo notebook.)

GA DA at LH, pt. 2.

☿ Bar (8067–70).

FC. I took no photos or video despite the cocks all over the place.

I should have taken video of the same ladder workers on 34th St. I had seen (and recorded) when I was walking in the opposite direction. I need to get in the habit of recording more video. Herald Sq. station with Jonathan, Zack and Rob.

Ride home with Jonathan.

F’town was out of rôtisserie chickens except for ones behind the deli counter that I learned were reserved for other customers, but at least I got to see the handsome deli workers there. The slender one who flirts with me couldn’t pay me so much attention, but we smiled at one another in the produce section. As usual, the gay worker with the dyed hair was there working the self‐serve checkout lanes. They were also out of the supermarket brand of frozen string beans. The face tat guy was sitting in front of his building and started to stand up to go back inside just as I was approaching. We said hello and he almost seemed to slightly stop as if to chat with me before he went in, but I cont’d walking with my perishables as a mental excuse not to stop.