31 August 2018, Friday

GA DA at רובין MA, W. 17th St. Met libertarian Canadian M’thew K. visiting from Boston by way of Toronto and Oregon. Good chat with him that triggered H’rry into defending social justice and equality of outcome, saying that women don’t choose careers in STEM fields primarily because they fear worksite sexism. Also met first‐timers Latin R’chard S., electrician and veteran of the Marines, and old D’nis K. who had some issue with his right hand that led him to offer his left for shaking. Greeted F’lix boisterously.

A’drew had decided our next destination, but when we got there, there was an unreasonably long line, so we decided to go elsewhither instead. However, דן װ.‏ after walking to his parked car was still supposed to meet us at our prior destination. (See private Facebook messages with him.)

Greenwich Ave. (5168). G🌳⌂. वीणा/ವೀಣೆ didn’t stay long and left shortly after noticing the Star Wars décor and inquiring if I were a fan thereof by asking if I were a Trekkie. M. stayed awhile but slipped out without saying goodby. As they were getting tipsier, S’nie and M’riel began to get a bit annoying with their shouting, which should have been a clue for my making decisions later, but S. was complimenting my dancing from when we had been at BB. The remaining eight or so of us retired to a back room with seats and books and chatted about ourselves and our next move. דן looked very handsome and we talked a bit about his job. Eventually, N’son ש.‏ and J’than 🌕 joined us, returning from having eaten together. (See brief SMS conversation with J., and see smartphone notes for details of the whole eve.) It was very good to see N. and he seemed pleased to see me too, and it was nice to have an attractive Jew sitting on either side of me.

For some reason, no one but me took R. up on his offer to drive us to our next destination, having been suggested by S., and I again should have taken this as a clue to just go home, but instead I had a pleasant if long and circuitous walk and car ride with him.