6 January 2018, Saturday

Second Ave. Jon. M., שמואל and I closed Duke’s down by staying there as the only customers until nearly 02:00. The minuscule walk to the subway station was bitterly cold. Q with them, trying to convince ש.‏ to take the route home that required the least outdoor walking, especially since he told me, after I asked, that he was not wearing long underwear. 7 with Jon.

Discount mixed nuts and “magic” trail mix from DR, 37th Ave. (03:01).

On my way to and from DR, there was a vacant car on 72nd St. with one of its doors open. I would have been nice enough to close it but I didn’t want to scale a curbside snowbank.

37th Ave. Just a glimpse of إشتياق as I passed DR. The dark शाह/شاه worker I saw as I passed in both directions looked younger and cuter than I recalled, so perhaps this was a weekend worker. Bologna, chicken salad, egg salad, guacamole, cheese ends and cottage cheese from FD. Bruson storefront photos (3167–75).