Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Slow sunup constitutional.

35th Ave. (8927).

34th Ave. (8928–41). Trees and piled snow. Matching pedestrian clothing (8938). Fire truck (8941).

75th St. (8942–43). 33‒13 decorations (8942).

Northern Blvd. (8943–46). Water and snow workers (8943–44). I intended to get cash but CVS was still closed.

72nd St. (8947–49). Wooden wall (“No parking”) at 33‒17 (8947).

37th Ave. (8950–56, 6240–41). انور was waiting at my favorite حلال‎‎ cart as I passed, gave me a big hello and handshake and even offered to buy me food. Saw local Barbara sitting eating pizza at 🍕👦. Produce photos in F’town (8950–56). The gay male worker with the nice lips was cashier in a different lane than mine and was talking fairly loudly in a distinctly gay voice to a rather obvious Lesbian sitting near the front windows. He and I smiled at one another as I left.