Saturday, 7 January 2017

Huge portions of all courses of the chicken florentine meal at JI (8491–92). Substituting a lower‐carbohydrate vegetable (broccoli and string beans) was not any problem like it had been at OJL Wednesday. All Asian waitstaff. I had intended to take time to write in my diary and so brought it with me but had forgotten my reading glasses and how single‐minded I get when eating.

Went to both F’town (23:40) and FD (23:51), bought cheese (cottage and ends) in both, but checked into neither online. Friendly Jorge was my cashier at F’town after not having seen him in a while. Bought a large fruit salad from F’town and naughty black‐and‐white cookies from FD with the excuse that NYBD Sunday was imminent.