Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Long walk to Sunnyside. (See F’book message from Adam G.) LB at ট্যাংরা/Тангра (7481–89). Novelty Halloween pencils. My disappointment at a number of things. Gave משה a b’day card. My garlic chicken was breaded.

Walked Kevin and daughter almost home. Ice cream from newly discovered supermarket Champion (7490–92). Jack o’ lanterns at FD, Roosevelt Ave. (7493–94). Halloween/autumnal décor at Price Rite (7495–97). Decorations in Fonda (7498–7501).


– New York City has many good atheist and Humanist groups, even if the organizers of some groups don’t always get along with the organizers of others. (22:20)

– Stupendously sexy video. (22:36)