2 October 2017, Monday


35th Ave. (1800–02). Don C., doing gardening at his bldg., told me on 74th St. I look healthy.

34th Ave. (1803–17). Road worker with stance and flag (1803–05). Colorful strewn streamers (1806–07). Turban worker (1812–13).

Flowers on 73rd St. (1818–22).

Northern Blvd. (1823–24, 6400–01). Man working on his car on his back (1823–24). Chef salad at JI. The bottle of mayonnaise said “No refrigeration needed.” Customer with bandages on his nose (6400–01).

Road work on 72nd St. (1825–39).

37th Ave. Peanuts from Jaks. Overripe but extremely inexpensive strawberries (fifty cents a box), as well as sour cream, from سبزی ਮੰਡੀ. Blue clothing/blue car (1840–41).

More of the 72nd St. road work (1842–43).