10 December 2017, Sunday

Snow on 72nd St. (3041–43).

37th Ave. Step‐stool worker (3044–47). Morning sandwiches (bacon, egg and American cheese on a sesame בײגל, and salsa Turkey and Gouda on an everything בײגל) from KLD with hot Seb. O. (100000871515986) as my cashier! (which showed me that he has in fact returned and is the same hot worker from two years ago) and the friendly Kl’d‐like worker (who seemed to remember me from last month) reading off my name more like Mosey when my food was ready far sooner than I thought it would be.

No EHSQ. (See SMS messages with Tom.)

This was probably the day an old black man said “God bless you” to me at the intersection of 37th Ave. and 72nd St. as I was navigating an ice patch, and he may be the same one from last year.

37th Ave. Placed my order for پالک پنیر at महाराज (12:04) and walked to F’town (12:15) to get eight liters of soda, a bag of ice and a box of doughnuts for NYBD. While on the cashier line, I saw J’tin enter, get ready for work and then stand around as I walked out. Brought the groceries to the Alliance Bldg. and left them outside QPH. On way home, T’masz was in his usual spot and we greeted one another. Back out with the NYBD cash box and supplies, I returned to म. to collect the food and bring it to QPH. NYBD (3048–72). C’lin’s return. Rice dish (3050). Spaghetti (3051). Beef stew (3052). Gifts from Mike H. (3053–54). J. R. lighting the canned heat (3055). Chuck in Santa singlet (3056, 3058). Fried chicken (3057). Cake askew (3058). C’tine’s zucchini dish (3059). Photographs by Mike. Pizza (3066). C’lin’s cupcakes (3067). Not photographed were J. R.’s کوکو‎ (“free tata”) and brownies. Gift exchange (3070–72). Cl’de stayed too late.