18 August 2019, Sunday

Met جم at 🍎 Store, W. 14th St. (6527–31). He said my outfit made me look like I came from yoga class.

On our walk therefrom, he told me the wonderful news that his case is nearly at an end and that he will soon be interviewed for a green card. We briefly walked through Washington Commons (6532–33), Jane and Washington streets, and then continued to West St.

We hadn’t walked far within Hudson River Pk. (6534–37) when he decided he needed a drink at Coffeed. The skies were already quite overcast even though I didn’t recall any mention of rain in the weather report and so had left my umbrella at home. During our nice conversation, the skies opened up and we had very intense rain that required our taking cover at a table that had an umbrella and yet we still got quite wet. At that point, it was hard to talk about anything but the rain and the joggers and others walking past who were subject thereto. When there was a minor lull, we crossed West St. and got a car at the corner of W. 10th St. He said we should guard our speech somewhat when the app announced our driver’s Turkish name, but then it changed to another driver.

Transport‐network ride from Gabriel, not Gökhan.

We were supposedly at his place so he could get his camera but we chatted for a while and he showed me photos and books and such, including his sketchbooks. Despite how long we’d already been together, he wanted to go to E. River Pk. to take more photos. (He apparently wanted me to take photos of him but didn’t yet inform me thereof.) He changed into more photogenic clothing and I thought it cute that he left to the bathroom to change his trousers but then changed his shirt in front of me in his bedroom. First though came his appetite.

First Ave. A nice spicy shrimp soup at ATC that seemed likely to be pretty low in carbohydrate. He continued with the yoga references and said I might look like someone genuinely professing a love therefor in some advert and telling others to come to my class (or something like that). I paid the whole bill and then we went out and took a tremendous number of photos of each other with his camera in the middle of the avenue near the intersection with E. 15th St., essentially in front of the restaurant, and retreated to the sidewalk each time the traffic light was about to change.