29 September 2019, Sunday

JT, Williamsbridge Rd. Photos by Al’x R.

Walk to Westchester Sq. station with Br’ce G. Annoyingly slow 6 ride with him. Sign in E. 51st St. sta. informing me I could not make the transfer I desired (7208).

International flag decorations left over from previous day’s cultural event, 37th Rd., included the flag of ישׂראל (‎6633–34).

Greeted by D’joun on Roosevelt Ave.

Woodside station (15:48). LIRR ride with G’rth. (See SMS conversation with him.)

Park Ave. Met at L. Beach station by שת and מרה. SS (6635) looking for, among other things, what מ.‏ repeatedly called “Fiji apples.”

New year סדר by מ. ואב, Barnes St. (6636–37).

Seeing the canals, E. Pine St. to Clark St. (6638–39).

Driven to Island Pk. station where G., ש.‏ and I caught the LIRR back to New York City.