27 November 2017, Monday

37th Ave. I looked around سبزی ਮੰਡੀ but found nothing I wanted except possibly the cashier. I decided against S. Asian sweets because they are often too sweet, but was unreasonably amused by the package labeled as بیسن کی برفی, because if it’s not white, then calling it برفی doesn’t make sense to me. Briefly went to اپنا بازار and bought mixed nuts (with fruit therein). That worker I like at JC looked particularly handsome and was nice enough to ask if I needed assistance so I decided to photograph him. When I had paid him for my banana cake, raisin cake and chocolate cupcake, I started to get my smartphone camera ready, when just at that moment, a customer who’d been sitting in the rear came so close that he could probably see my camera app launching and then he asked for something that made my handsome friend turn around. ☹ Momentarily enamored with a tree canopy (6554).

First day of fasting, from about 05:30.