Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Third consecutive fasting day.

Fairly loud work on stairwell windows much of the day. Al’to and Big Mike sitting in the lobby as I left the building.

37th Ave. Sexy worker posing outside ABCC with crates didn’t stand still long enough for me to get a photo. Misspelled sign hanging from PS 69 entrance: “Here are our heros [sic]” (9758). Bought cute pet stamps at the post office (6286–87). Accident: description forthcoming. Man supposedly working (9759–61). KLD flowers (9762). Big equipment that stopped moving before my video (9763).

72nd St. Man working on car door (9764, 9767). (Mailed M. Day card with newly acquired postage stamp, but I doubt it’ll reach her by Sun.) What were intended to be photos of a S. Asian man squatting in front of his car using an electric drill say “File contains no image data” (9765–66). Resulting wall test (9768).