Sunday, 22 January 2017

Greeted the cute fag with brown hair who was waiting for the elevator as I passed through the lobby. He superficially resembles Pete F. and so I get a little confused.

Saw Frank W. at the JH G’market (8586–90).

EHSQ at the Garden Sch. As usual, תאומא and I were alone. We discussed health among other things, and he showed me a photo of the greater part of his prostate that had been removed. (See handwritten notes in the cyan clothbound A6+ Clairefontaine notebook.)

Saw Dudley S. at the JH G’market (8591–95).

37th Ave. (8596–8606). Parked truck obstructing the crosswalk, 74th St. (8596–98). Stocked up at F’town (8599–8602) due to supposed incoming storm (13:37). Bought processed meats, sauerkraut, frozen vegetables, hard‐cooked eggs, and cottage and cream cheeses. Ladder worker at میزبان (‎8603–05). Evidence of price change at Raja (8606).

I thought up “The Trail of the Loathsome Pine,” but the phrase “loathsome pine” is in Punch, vol. 205, 1943, as well as in a number of more recent documents on the Internet. Perhaps another use of lonesome.

ADD to the tune of “ABC.”

The strange goings‐on on Earth‐Dell! I suspect the middle henchman (“Pow”) is Peter Parker’s Aunt May. 😂 (17:41)


• – No, he isn’t. The others are Islamist apologists. (13:55)

– Harris does not give fundamentalist Christians any pass but finds radical Islam to be much more dangerous, and I agree. Any generalizations about Muslim people are based on statistical data on who supports whom.

¶ Outside the United States, thousands upon thousands of people die because of Islamism and jihadism, among whom are gays who are hanged or thrown from rooftops. Perhaps Americans have thus far been hurt more by Christianity than Islam, but the pass the Far Left and so‐called progressives give to Islamic extremists who hate gays and Jews and women suggests the tide is turning. The deadliest terrorist attack since 2001 was by an Islamist who last year targeted the LGBT community. And I’m sure there’s more to come, if not against gays then using Islamist lies about Israel to rationalize attacks on Jews or anyone they consider Islamophobic. (14:41)

– I give no pass to fundamentalist Christians; I also hate them, and yes, I too have had friends who died from AIDS. Additionally, two people I know were killed by Islamists in the September 11 attacks, and multiple friends and family members of people I know have been killed by Islamists in Europe and the Near East. Does that mean you owe me an apology for your pass? (15:03)

– Calling me of all people “viciously AIDSphobic and homophobic” because I see radical Islam as a greater threat than fundamentalist Christianity is as silly as calling you a homophobe and anti‐Semite for seeing Christianity as the greater threat. (15:19)

• – Not only do you have my vote, but I will repeatedly post that any of my Facebook “friends” who don’t support you should remove me from their friend list, because anyone who’d vote for your opponent is clearly a loathsome bigot. (14:06)