12 November 2017, Sunday

JH G’market, 34th Ave. (2828–34).

79th St. Dogs on S’ton Field (2835). All alone at the Garden Sch., although there were some attractive young men, along with former bldg.‐mate Brad who now works there and said he was having an outing. (See iPhone notes, SMS messages with Tom.)

Discount Halloween sweets (vanilla/marshmallow, dark‐chocolate/marshmallow and peanut‐butter “pumpkins,” crispy peanut‐butter/chocolate “skulls,” toffee/milk‐chocolate bars and milk‐chocolate M & Ms) for NYBD from W’greens, Northern Blvd. (See SMS messages with Chuck.)

37th Ave. NYBD at QPH (2836–41). Vitruvian approximation on dry‐erase board (2836–37). Marshmallow mice (2838–40). Mike’s plants (2841). Cute E’vine and Kl’d through the windows of DR as I passed.

37th Ave. Not noticing J’tin until it was too late to select him as cashier, I went between him and R’mon to pay for my sweet‐potato pie and spiral‐cut zucchini “noodles” from F’town (22:07). It looked like J. passed R. a sheet of nori that he was nibbling as he took care of my needs. Swiss‐cheese ends, blueberries and sour cream from FD with another cashier (نصرين) who was eating (22:40). Encountered C’rl W. who postponed his trip out shopping to return to the bldg. with me.

Long talk with C. in the lobby on his and my health. T. and P. entered and greeted us during the discussion.