14 September 2019, Saturday

On my way to the subway station, I noticed a few young men with sweatpants that were just a tad small and revealing. Some event was happening at 37th Rd. and 74th St., but I felt I was running late and so didn’t investigate. That cute worker was visible in the new underground business as I passed. The F was leaving the station as I descended the stairs, and because I intended to visit the bank before visiting G’rth, I let an E pass me so I could catch the next F.

(I would learn on Sunday, the 22nd, at EHSQ, that the event on 37th Rd. was a spectacular Tibetan cultural event with two opposing gods, one with a demonic face and the other with a skull face, as well as an elephant that chased audience members.)

When I arrived at AB, E. 14th St., I was horribly disappointed to learn from the posted signage that neither a.t.m. would accept deposits, meaning that, had I only known, I could have saved much time by skipping going to the bank and instead going directly to Chelsea on the E to meet G’rth. {No a.t.m. deposits. 😞} Walking along W. 14th St. to his place, I actually passed the restaurant that would later be our destination.

G.’s place, W. 15th St. שת greeted me at the apartment door and said he thought I may have lost weight when the opposite is true. I gave G. the birthday card I’d been carrying since leaving home and ש.‏ liked its coloration. G. took a little time to show me some holiday snaps and explain to me what had happened that prevented our meeting Thursday. Leaving their apartment to be on our way, their postman was at the letterboxes as was an old, poorly mobile E. Asian neighbor with whom they were quite friendly and who appeared like she might be the postman’s mother, although she wasn’t. We were walking along W. 15th St. but some intoxicated and extraordinarily loud young women were conversing, partly in English and partly in Spanish, to one another at scream volumes, so we diverted to much busier yet comparatively quieter W. 14th St.

Birthday repast at M’do, Sixth Ave. (6569). Both there and on our way thither, we expressed many centrist views and analysis thereof. G. spilled his sakë and exhibited some clumsiness there and at his place that made me suspect he had dropsy. Something whereof I had not been earlier informed was that ש.‏ needed to catch a train to Long I. sometime between 22:00 and 23:00 and so we couldn’t tarry in conversation after eating because he needed to get back home first.

On the way back to their place, they were telling me things about prominent Democrats that didn’t have the ring of truth: for example, that कमला H. had changed her name from माया and Mayor Pete from Smith, and that both had done it for promotional reasons, to sound more ethnic or at least distinct. (Since shown not to be true.) G.’s place again. ש.‏ stuck around a bit to talk but then left, and G’rth gave me a particularly nice haircut, although the clipper was misbehaving.