Monday, 14 November 2016

Little things please me, like S’eed’s actually starting a conversation with me at the FD checkout line, telling me that he made the sandwich I was buying and all the others at the deli counter every day. He gave me a timid smile when I thanked him for it as I was leaving.

37th Ave. (8037–43). Autumnal tree (8037–38). A.t.m. work at DR (8039–41). F’town for ice cream before noon. Crouching vendor (8042–43).

Roosevelt Ave. (8044–47, 6161–67). Man on ladder (8044) at Monumental. Reaching PR worker and his exposed underwear waistband (6161–67). Shopping. Supposedly super moon (8045–46). Handsome Ajani worker (8047).