13 May 2018, Sunday

Mothers Day.

Travers Pk. renovation, 34th Ave. (4014–16).

79th St. (4017–18). EHSQ at Garden Sch. Ch’z R., T’my and I sang. رشيد showed up with a student (whose name I think begins with Z) from his school who tried to impress us as an artist with a portfolio that included too many copyrighted characters and trademarked logos. Then, as is apparently common in that school, he attempted to recite some piece from memory but couldn’t remember past a certain point and so gave up and instead recited the 1969 English words by P. عنقاء to “My Way,” but with ر misattributing them to F. Sinatra. I’m sure Z. is a reasonably talented young man, but ر was trying to pass him off as some kind of prodigy. Conversely, he also seemed to be trying to impress Z. with us, again erroneously linking me to the food industry because he and I had met at one of Jef. O.’s events. Attractive customer for street vendor (4017–18).

34th Ave. (4019–21). More of Travers Pk. renovation (4020–21).

37th Ave. (4022–45). Ice and half and half (for NYBD) from F’town. Encountered Ch’z again on the sidewalk. NYBD at QPH (4022–45). (See SMS conversation with Ch’ck.) Ch’ck brought much school milk (4037–38). G’rey brought a lovely Mothers Day cake (4026–34). Visit from flirtatious cowboy שת פֿײַנבערג, to whom I was attracted despite his being older than I am, and he and I were touching one another, nearly embracing, while talking, and later even kissed a bit. Dan. wore un‐matching shoes (4039–40). Group photos (all by Ch’ck) and brainstorming meeting (4041–45). None of the issues C’rl had claimed two weeks before were so important was even brought up. Afterwards, on the sidewalk, M’rc K. came up with the idea that we should put our woofed stickers on A. Mike’s flyers, and C’rl then insisted we do that. When I declined to do it because I felt I had too much work to do in the upcoming week to agree to such an inconsequential task, C’rl said that “terrifies” him, but then agreed to do it himself and took plenty of stickers from me for that purpose. Cl’de told of having left his cribbage set on the railroad. C’rl and I walked home together.