26 May 2017, Friday

Adorable short white‐looking man in Roosevelt Ave. station carrying an adorable black and white dog in his arms. Attractive E. Asian man on the F (6304).

GA DA at GSD, W. 14th St. (0091–0100). We were originally seated at a large group of tables set for fourteen, but our party did not exceed six so we moved to a booth in the corner. Photos with my camera by Michael W. (0096–99). “Mynalogue.” Very loud, very gay party next to ours.

(See iPhone notes, and handwritten notes in black Knight Fat Little Wireless, 27–28 May.)

Strange relief face at 147 saying “I could have been born Yemenis [sic?]” (0101–03).

📅 We wish to remind everyone that we will not be meeting the next two Sundays. On 28 May, the Garden School will be closed for Memorial Day weekend, and on 4 June, we will be participating in Queens LGBT Pride. 🏳️‍🌈


