9 November 2019, Saturday

Walk Away town‐hall event at L. Hughes branch of Qns. Borough Lib., Northern Blvd. {I walked hither yet I am walking away.} The back of my head is visible in photos by Luca P. (1) (2). (See also smartphone notes.)

Good conversation on the ride home, particularly on the bus.

37th Ave. Frozen chicken and beefsteak meals, cold hot dogs, antipasto salad, “krab cakes” and blocks of cheese from FD (21:09). Youngish and other ফুসকা [sic] হাউস worker seen both ways. सागर/সাগর worker standing at first booth behind the front desk. بابر‎ seen helping a customer in the front‐east makeup section of DR. Long talk with T’masz.