Thursday, 20 April 2017

37th Ave. (9402–9406). I remember seeing quite a few attractive men I didn’t photograph, including a young worker emerging from the rear of 2F, the pizzeria where I ordered three specialty slices.

KLD worker standing on a bench (9402–03).

Mango slices and discount strawberries from FD. S’eed was preparing to put up the newer sale posters in the windows as well as conversing with the very slow customers on line ahead of me, and he and I were both singing along to “Blank Space.” Because the older sale posters had already come down, I was able to get some decent images of his back from the outside of the supermarket (9404–05).

Human/dog interaction (9406) in front of DR. Discount pastel almond M&M’s from DR. The friendly cashier I’ve documented multiple times (e.g., a b c d e) is named Erv. or E’vine (F 1211227041, Tw 727633489), depending how I want to abbreviate it. He summoned me as the next customer on line and I began to step forward, but another customer was already standing near him, so I moonwalked backward a bit (which made Erv. smile) and let that customer go before me because I did not know if he had arrived at that spot before I had got to the front of the line; however he was talking on his phone and was delaying so much and moving so slowly that in the meantime even the people who had been behind me on line had finished their transaction with another cashier, so I moved on to that cashier and again missed an opportunity to be with Erv., much like the day before.