12 February 2018, Monday

Warm enough in New York that I didn’t need a jacket.

37th Ave. Mailed my maintenance check and bought more of both berry chocolate and magic trail mix from DR. I saw إشتياق briefly as a cashier as I entered, but my cashier was named Mark (999) in whom I had no interest but who had the same name as a worker I would meet later the same day in another state.

Chatted with N’las S. after running into him on the Q70 en route to LGa. airport.

Flight to TIA. (See notes in promotional drug pad.)

First day in Florida.

Hudson (3416–18). Ram’s. Deli worker Mark at P’lix (3416–18). Saw La vita è bella at בית האמא, and אחי hated the subtitles. (See notes in promotional drug pad.)