12 September 2017, Tuesday

Blurry man on 72nd St. (1677–79).

37th Ave. (1680–85). Ambulance (1682) in which, as I passed, I saw patient and seated e.m.t. questioning him. More blurry men because the sun was setting.

Roosevelt Ave. (1686–90). Shirtless man in front of Evolution (1686–87). “We closing” and “fianl sale” sign at Colamérica (1688–90). Tasty and large but lukewarm bargain platter at CAAA, where my smartphone ran out of power. Black customer was having a profanity‐laden talk on his mobile phone when transsexual with stubble came in begging for money.

82nd St. I saw that Mango Rico had changed locations and that the building where the cinema had been was torn down, but it was too dark to get any satisfactory photos. Tuna and marble cake from Sam (“18:50,” but probably 19:50). حجاب worker at Popeyes (1691).

Un‐captured scenes on 37th Ave.: Various customers in various salons, incl. woman who appeared to be having her underarm shaved and child who appeared to be getting eyebrow threading; my backtracking to get a better view of a salon worker who noticed my looking at him. VC poster at NL Pharmacy (1692–93).