22 September 2019, Sunday

79th St. (6588–90). EHSQ at the Garden Sch. תאומא and I were the only attendees, running into one another on the sidewalk and entering together. Unfortunately, Ch’z wasn’t feeling well, but fortunately, we didn’t have the presumably propagandistic discussion on climate change that had been planned. Instead I told of Gilgamesh’s and Damon’s deaths, and he told of the interesting community events he’d attended in the past week. Man seated at the curb in front of his car (6588–90).

Blurry car with blurry flags, 35th Ave. (6591), related to the parade.

37th Ave. (6592–98). Hispanic parade, fortuitously along with a spectator’s momentarily bared midriff (6592). Trail mix from DR (13:09). More of the parade and spectator (6593–98).