14 January 2018, Sunday

(See cyan clothbound A6+ Clairefontaine notebook 19 Jan.)

Busy day. (See Calendar.) Jay (× 3) day.

Woman and dog on 73rd St. (3190).

34th Ave. (3191–3201). JH G’market (3191–3200). Man running with dog (3201).

79th St. EHSQ at the Garden Sch. תאומא told of his family tragedy.

37th Ave. (3202–03). Ice, half and half, and two boxes of doughnuts for NYBD from F’town. Black neighbor greeted me as I checked in online.

Encountered neighbor again as we entered the building; she was carrying the groceries she’d bought whereas I’d left mine in front of QPH.

37th Ave. (3204–42). Ran into Jay K. and then Bill M. as I walked with the cash box. NYBD (3210–42). Chuck came early. (See SMS messages.) Two attendees named Jay, one who rarely attends and one who’d never attended before. On my way home, saw أحمد and one of the hot E. Asians through the KLD window, and S— and Kl’d through the DR window.